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Friday 25 April 2014

About GATE Exam: Top FAQs for GATE Eligibility Answered

About GATE Exam: Top FAQs for GATE Eligibility Answered In various forums and discussion boards on the Internet, one can notice a recurring subject about the GATE exams being discussed. This subject is GATE eligibility. There is a definite reason for this recurrence and it has obviously to do with the fact that people are unsure about the criteria that determine eligibility for this examination, leave alone details such as the GATE syllabus and pattern. There are a lot of people who are wary and unsure about eligibility issues and we have tried to answer some of the most commonly asked questions asked pertaining to GATE eligibility.

Most Common GATE Eligibility Queries

Here are the four most common questions about the GATE exams, especially pertaining to GATE eligibility:

1.  I have already attempted the GATE exams once. Am I eligible for further attempts?

There is no limit n the number of attempts for the GATE exams. So even if you have tried cracking the exams once and have not succeeded, there is no reason not to try again.

2.  Are there any age limits for attempting the GATE Exam? What is the GATE eligibility criteria for age?

A person can be 45 years old and still attempt the exams. GATE eligibility does not have any restrictions on age. All one would require is to present the pass certificate from their university to prove having completed the undergraduate course in the specific stream.

3.  I have pursued M.Sc., do GATE eligibility criteria permit M.Sc. students to attempt GATE exams?

One might be pursuing a Master’s course in any branch of Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Applications or equivalent courses and can attempt the GATE 2014 exams. However, you should be in your final year or have completed your course in 2013. If you are supposed to complete your course in 2014 or later, then you would require a Certificate from the Principal instead of your Pass or Provisional Pass Certificate.

4.  I have completed my degree course for B.Tech. but have a backlog in a subject. Do the GATE eligibility criteria still permit me to appear for the exams?

Yes, you can appear for the exams despite your backlog. However, in such cases, the following will be required
  • Either a copy of any one of the final year mark sheet
  • Or a letter from the Principal, stating details about the backlog and it being the reason being for not being able to produce a pass certificate currently.
If you have further queries and wish to get answers from a reliable source, you can check out all the details from our Gate Eligibility page.

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